Loyalty Programs - Some facts - itell.solutions - Digital charmante Software Lösungen

Loyalty Programs – Some facts


According to previous studies, costs to acquire new customers can be up to 25 times higher than selling to existing ones. Additionally your current customers are spending over 60 % more on average than new ones. Which means, customer loyalty really pays off and in best case, they can become brand ambassadors for your business. 




LOYALTY – Taking these statistics into account, it makes sense to think about measures to keep your customers coming back to your business. In a contemporary fast-moving world with low switching costs for customers,  businesses can’t afford to not implement any kind of loyalty programs. der Umgebung.


EVERYDAY ROUTINE – Every business wants to have true loyal customers with high satisfaction. Using reward programs with unique mobile experiences can enhance brand loyalty. Easy to use and effective in performance. Once a customer sees the true benefit of such rewards in the app, the business gains trust and reputation, which leads to a sustainable increase in sales.


MOUTH-2-MOUTH – Loyal customers spend more time with your brand and can convert to brand ambassadors. In short, they will tell their families, friends and acquaintances about your product or service and showcase their great experiences through different channels like social media. Hence, word-of-mouth marketing can be a powerful tool in driving new customers than traditional ads and even branded content. Taking this into consideration, it is safe to assume that these referred customers will likely become loyal customers, which tend to spend more than average.

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